Request For Student Progress

Sub: Progress Report of (Student’s name) Respected sir, I am a class teacher of your son/daughter (Name), (School/College name). Sir I am writing this letter to inform you about the progress report of your son/daughter.

The Class Teacher/Principal,
(School Name)

Note: The due date for the request for submissions has passed. This page is for reference and administration of funding. Request for Submissions for the development, administration, scoring, reporting, and analysis of assessments and technology support for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System as defined in California Education Code sections 60601. Download a free memorandum - Request of Progress Report. Download a free memorandum – Request of Progress Report. Are you a student who needs help with your. Complete the following forms ONLY if they have been requested by the Financial Aid Department. Check your ctcLink Student Service Center To Do list for requested forms. Verification Worksheet V1 standard verification CCS 43-165 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet V4 custom verification CCS 43-167 2020-2021. Simplify and Keep Track of Payments. Receive payments for just about anything. Not only can you easily accept tuition payments and fees, but an e-commerce component allows you to sell uniforms, t-shirts, lab equipment, graduation caps and gowns, all from the Parent or Student portals.


This is to inquire about the progress of my son____________ (Son Name) in your class. Since he had joined the session late, I am concerned if he has been able to update his curriculum. I would request you to keenly monitor his progress and also to brief me as to how I could improve his performance.

I shall be grateful for your efforts.



Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(Your Name)

Sample Lines

1) I am much interested to know how my daughter is faring in her studies.

2) I would like to check on the performance of my ward.


3) It is a cause of worry to me that of late my son has displayed absent-mindedness and quarrelsome attitude. I would like to know his interest in studies.

4) I had arranged for special coaching for my son ____________ (Son Name). I would like to know if there has been any marked improvement in him.

5) I would like you to take stock of my child’s aptitude and report me of his academic progress.

6) I request you to give special attention to ____________ (Name) especially in Physics and Math’s.


7) I would like to enlist your co-operation to improve my son’s percentage lover his previous records.

8) Do; advise me if special coaching would help.


9) What sort of supervision do you suggest?

10) Her marks have been sinking. I would like to know the cause of her unsatisfactory performance.

11) I request you to let me know if his performance in all the subjects is satisfactory.

12) I humbly request you to make productive suggestions.

13) Your guidance would considerably help me to supervise his studies for a better result.

Close cordially with thanks

14) I shall be much obliged if you help me in this matter.

15) I am sure you can carve a better future for him.

16) Thanking you for your invaluable co-operation.

17) Please do excuse me for this trouble.

What happened - what has changed

Your satisfactory academic progress (SAP) appeal explanation must include the following:

Explain what happened

Why were you unable to maintain satisfactory progress?

Explain what has changed

What corrective measures have you taken or will you take to achieve and maintain satisfactory academic progress?

If this not your first appeal:

  • Your explanation statement must include information about what has changed since your last appeal.
  • You must also attach a Student Improvement Plan signed by your advisor.

Tips for writing your appeal explanation statement

Request For Student Progress Reports

Admit the problem

Take a hard look at your situation to determine what has kept you from making satisfactory academic progress. Perhaps you need help with time management or study skills. Admit the problem and explain how will you get that help.

Note: Lack of awareness of withdrawal policies, requirements for satisfactory academic progress or unpreparedness for college coursework will not be accepted as reasons for the purpose of an appeal.

Attach any relevant supporting documentation

  • This may include a doctor's statement, copy of hospital/urgent care/physician's bill, obituary, funeral notice or death certificate.

Valid reasons for an SAP appeal

Valid reasons for an appeal include:

  • medical emergencies
  • severe health issues
  • severe personal or family problems
  • financial or personal catastrophe
  • return for a second degree or certificate

Example of a valid explanation statement:

SAP Appeal Explanation Statement

What happened:

I was involved in a car accident on October 2, 2020. I was in the hospital for two weeks because of a broken leg. Then I needed to have physical therapy every day for six weeks. This interfered with my ability to attend classes on a regular basis. I was unable to complete the fall 2020 semester and this affected my academic progress.

What has changed:

My leg has healed and I feel confident that I am able to continue my coursework and improve my academic progress. I intend to register and repeat the coursework in the classes that I failed. I will also take the workshop offered thru the Academic Success Center called Second Chances: Success in the Repeated Course. I will also use the assignment planner on the library website to help me stay on track.

Atached is documentation verifying my accident:

  • A note from my doctor showing that I was under his care during the above time. The note also shows that my doctor released me to return to school on January l, 2021.
  • A copy of my hospital bill showing the dates of my stay.
  • A Statement from my physical therapist indicating my therapy schedule.

Important notes

Request For Student Progress Report

  • Your appeal must be backed up by a degree worksheet or degree audit and an academic plan of work.
  • You must also be able to show through your GPA calculation results that meeting SAP standards and graduating from your program is an attainable goal.

Request For Student Progress Center

For instructions and information about formulating a plan of work, degree audit or utilizing the GPA calculator, visit the Degree Works website.

Request For Student Progression

Please note: The Office of Student Financial Aid is required to report incidents of sexual violence or sexual harassment disclosed through this form to the Title IX Coordinator for follow-up and possible investigation. If you have experienced any form of sexual violence and would like to speak confidentially to a counselor for support, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services.