Finish What You Started...

Finish What You Start

  1. Finish What You Started Tab
  2. Finish What You Started Quotes
  3. Finish What You Started Van Halen
  4. Finish What You Started Battle Scenario

In other words, eventually, you become less motivated and excited to finish what you started. That may not seem like a big deal. But, if you’re a serial starter, that could come at a great expense. I’m not only talking about financially either. I’m talking about the hours you wasted, as well as not experiencing the joy of finishing.

  • Or the decluttering you meant to finish on your living space, the blog you began and on which you genuinely hoped to post regularly, the eating or exercise regime you started and stopped.
  • If you think you are a filmmaker. Make a film, and then show it. You need to be able to finish what you started so it is presentable. When you screen it and see if your film has an effect on an audience, you will understand what it means to be a filmmaker.
  • Finish What You Started (The Kurtherian Endgame Book 5) - a review by Rosemary Kenny It's here at last folks! The long-awaited, (by comparison with the incredible speed of despatch normally executed by the lightning-fast minded Michael Anderle,in his many other series) 5th book in the Kurtherian Endgame series, continuing the fantastic universe-wide saga of justice and peace, starring Bethany.

Finish What You Start

Luke 2:40-49

What the young Jesus was trying to tell his parents was “I have started something for my Father, and I must work on it until it is finished”. Even though Jesus was young he knew the importance of finishing what you start. So, finish what you start.

Finishing what we start is very important. I wonder how many times we have dropped the ball, by not finishing something that God needed for His work.

1) Finishing what you start will remove some frustration from life.

  1. A list of task will help frustration turn into encouragement.
  2. A list shows what you have started and what you plan to start.
  3. Crossing some item off the list by finishing it is encouraging.

2) Students should finish school

  1. Unskilled and untaught people will have a difficult time finding good employment.
  2. Without good employment you will need to depend on others.
  3. Are you going to school to earn a good living? [2 Thes.3:10] work is good
  4. [Prov.19:27] “Cease” if causing you to err.

3) A person should finish his food

Americans put lots of food in the trash. You take a blessing from

God and waste it. A sign at a local buffet says “Take all you can eat, and eat all you take”

4) A person should finish his financial commitments

  1. You should honor your word, God does.
  2. Be on time.
  3. Exactly as agreed.
  4. Just because it is family, no difference.

5) A person should finish projects

  1. Finishing small things is practice for larger, harder things
  2. Children should be encouraged to finish a coloring page before moving to the next.
  3. Finish your plate, clean your room, do your chores.

Finish What You Started Tab

6) A person should finish for the Lord

  1. What spiritual projects have you started?
  2. What promises have you made to God?
  3. Have you stopped reading your Bible or prayer time?
  4. [Phil.1:6] God is very able to do his part.

7) A person should finish life

  1. God gave you your life and he only has the right to take it. [Job 1:21]
  2. [Ps.104:29] Great example that God is in control.

8) A person should finish his marriage

  1. [Matt.19:6] A couple should get married and stay married.
  2. A couple that finishes their marriage will not quit on their children, parents, or God.

9) A person should not start what he cannot finish

  1. Criticism about others
  2. You have no control over another’s faults
  3. [Eph.4:29] “ …that which is good to the use of edifying”
  4. [Phil.1:27] “…as it becometh the gospel of Christ”

10) The Bible contains many examples of finishers

  1. Noah and his wife
  2. Joshua was out numbered at Jericho
  3. Naomi lost a husband and two sons but didn’t quit on Ruth
  4. Nehemiah finished a wall with a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other
  5. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego never quit, [Daniel 3:16-18]
  6. Joseph and Mary departed to Egypt to save Jesus
  7. Paul [2 Tim.4:7-8] finished
  8. Jesus finished [John 19:30] at the cost of his own life

About the Author Pete Hollins

  • The bestselling author of Learn Like Einstein and The Science of Intelligent Decision Making.
  • A BS and MA in psychology,
  • Enjoys hiking with his family, drinking craft beers, and attempting to paint.
  • Based in Seattle, Washington.
  • Contact him at


What exactly is finishing what you start and followingthrough? You have may


heard these phrases before, but what do they mean?

Chapter 1. Stop Thinking, Just Execute

it’s not just as easy as knowing you have to do it andthus doing it.

There are powerful reasons we don’t finish what we startand follow through very often.

These reasons can generally be split into two camps: inhibiting tactics and psychological roadblocks.

Inhibiting tactics are the ways we plan against ourselveswithout even realizing it.

They include:

(1) setting bad goals,

(2) procrastination,

(3) indulging in temptations and distractions, and

(4) poor time management.

Psychological roadblocks are the ways we don’t followthrough because we are unconsciously protecting ourselves.

These include :

(1) laziness and lack of discipline,

(2) fear of judgment, rejection, and failure,

(3) perfectionism out of insecurity, and

(4) lack of self-awareness.

Chapter 2: Staying Hungry

What drives you to follow through and finish what youstart? How can you remain motivated?

External Motivators

Finish What You Started Quotes

Driving yourself to avoid a negative consequence can serveas an excellent push to do something. No one wants to suffer.

Accountability partners. Accountability partners are people who hold you accountable.

Accountability group. An accountability group can be more effective than a single partner.

Putting money down. The risk of losing money is another motivator that you can use to your advantage

Self-bribery. A final external motivator is to bribe yourself. This is where you promise yourself a reward if you follow through.

Internal Motivators

Internal motivators are your “why” for taking action andputting in effort

  • How will your life change or benefit?
  • How will your family benefit?
  • What impact will you have on others?
  • What positive emotions will you get?

Understand Opportunity Cost

You have to spend money, expend effort, and give up timethat you could use for doing things you love in order to commit to things youhave to complete.

Keep Your Motivation on Your Mind

Use loud, vivid images that you can’t ignore, or employother senses and include sounds, textures, and scents.

Chapter 3: Create a Manifesto

A manifesto is nothing more than a set of rules to followevery day

Rule 1: Are you acting out of laziness? If so, is this a characterization you want about yourself?

Rule 2: Three major tasks a day, maximum. Differentiate between important tasks, urgent tasks, and simple wasted motion.

Rule 3: Create daily limitations and requirements for yourself. These keep you within the bounds of what you know you need to do

Rule 4: Sometimes we lose sight of what we want to accomplish. Thus, reaffirm your intentions by stating “I want,” “I will,” and “I won’t” statements.

Rule 5: Try to look into the future, 10 minutes, hours, and days at a time. Do you like what you see when you consider not following through?

Rule 6: It’s just 10 minutes, right? So if you want to quit, it’s just 10 minutes. And if you need to wait, it’s just 10 minutes.

Chapter 4: Follow-Through Mindsets

Following through is 100% mental, which means it’sprobably a good idea to talk about the mindsets you attempt to embody.

Mindset 1: It’s all worthwhile.

Finish What You Started...

Holding the belief that hard work can and will lead to improvement

You need to believe in your own abilities and

trust in your opportunities. Don’t create self-limitingbeliefs that hold you back.

Believe what you are doing is valuable and relevant to your goals

Mindset 2: Become comfortable with discomfort.

Everything you want to do will have elements ofdiscomfort, unless you just want to watch television all day by yourself.

Overcoming your instinct to avoid things just becausethey are uncomfortable

Mindset 3: Allow Learning

You are essentially testing and scoring yourself based onyour progress.

Giving up is an automatic failure.

Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?”

Mindset 4: De-Stress

Stress affects how much willpower and self-control youhave.

You may not be consciously aware, but think about howlittle you can get done if you’re stressed

Chapter 5: The Science of Smashing Procrastination

Procrastination is a huge problem in following through.How can you approach it effectively?

Temptation Bundling

Think eating Twinkies while working out, working outwhile watching TV, or doing work while soaking your feet in a salt bath

Small, Easy Increments

Don’t view your task as one huge boulder that you have to get done all at once.

Rather, view it as a series of steps to take from Point Ato Point B.

Consider Risks

Being hypervigilant about what may go wrong is a tacticemployed by highly successful and productive people like Bill Gates

Be paranoid and start to question what could go wrong.Think about making contingency plans

Be sure to ask yourself how you might lose out if youdelay taking action at this moment

Chapter 6. No Distraction Zone

Minimize your distractions in your environment. It turns out that out of sight is out of mind with distractions

Create default actions wherever possible. This is wherethe easiest and lowest resistance past for you is the path you want the most.

Singletasking is an important concept because it definitively proves the flaws of multitasking. When you switch from task to task, you create attention residue

A don’t-do list can be just as powerful as a to-do listbecause we are rarely told what to ignore

The 40–70 rule is when you beat inaction through the amount of information you seek.

If you have less than 40%, don’t act.

But if you have 70%, you must act.

Chapter 7: Deadly Pitfalls

False hope syndrome is when you expect that you will beable to change or improve to an unrealistic degree.

Overthinking is sneaky because it feels like action andit even feels productive. But it’s not.

Overthinking is when you fixate and can’t seem to takethe first step toward action.

Finish What You Started...

Worrying is when you fixate on something and inevitablystart drawing out the negative scenarios and pitfalls.

The solution is to focus on what you can do right now andonly right now.

Chapter 8. Daily Systems for Success

Finish What You Started Van Halen

A system is a set of actions that you consistently perform every day in order to streamline your success and reach your goals.

Systems also protect you from failure even if you do not reach a goal.

Keep a scoreboard for everything large and trivial. Thiskeeps you motivated and striving toward growth and progress.

Lower your transaction costs by making undesirable behaviors inconvenient and unwieldy while making desirable behaviors convenient and easy

Gather all of the information and materials you need all at once and before you get started. This allows you to work interruption-free and gather momentum.

Finish what you start !

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