Do You Remember When...

  1. Do You Remember When We
  2. Do You Remember When 1960
  3. Do You Remember When Statler Brothers
  4. Do You Remember When Lyrics

The easy, fast & fun way to learn how to sing: I overheard someone mention your name I overheard now my heart feels the pain I though that I would get over you with time But here are again you're back in my mind Time moves slowly since you've gone away (Tick-tock Tick-tock) Life moves slowly since you've gone away (Tick-tock Tick-tock) Chorus Do you - Do you remember when Our. Do You Remember When, New York, New York. 1,991,853 likes 1,975,164 talking about this. This page is for everyone who likes to remember the past.

Stroll down memory lane with our remember when trivia for seniors. It was sent to our Suddenly Senior Trivia Central by our loyal readership.

How Many Trivia Questions Can You Answer?

1. Every day more money is printed for the game Monopoly than for the US Treasury.


2. Coca-Cola’s original formula contained extracts of cocaine and the caffeine-rich kola nut.


3. What was the title of the first novel written on a typewriter?

A. Tale of Two Cities
B. How the West Was Won.
C. Tom Sawyer

4. What occurs more often in December than any other month?

Do You Remember When...

A. Santa visits
B. Conception
C. Christmas Sales

Do You Remember When We

5. Hershey’s Kisses were first introduced to the public in 1907. The easier to open strip was added in 1924.


6. What is the average number of people that are airborne over the US any given hour:

A. 1,000,000.
B. 61,000
C. 20,500

7. How much time is a “jiffy?”

Do You Remember When 1960

A. 1/2 a second
B. 20 seconds
C. 1/100 of a second

Do You Remember When...

8. The Eiffel Tower was built from 1887 to 1889 for the Universal Exhibition and Centennial of the French Revolution.


9. By the time the average person reaches 50, they will have spent how great a part of their lives waiting in line?

A. 20 years
B. 10 years
C. 5 years

10. Leonardo da Vinci invented contact lenses.


11. About 13% of the world’s population are lefties.


12. Bob Dylan advised us never to trust anyone __________.

A. Over 30
B. With a beard
C. Who sings lyrics that can’t be understood

13. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?

A. All invented by women.
B. Al Gore claims he invented them all.
C. Leonardo da Vinci invented them.

14. What are the only mobile National Monuments registered in the US?

A. Streetcar named Desire in New Orleans.
B. San Francisco’s famous Cable Cars.
C. The Grand Canyon.

15. What is an activity performed by 40% of all people at a party?

A. Puking in your petunias
B. Snooping in your medicine cabinet
C. Trying to seduce your wife, girlfriend, and your dog.

Remember When Trivia for Seniors Answers

1. A) TRUE,
Now I want to buy Park Place.

2. B) TRUE.
And it hasn’t been the same since.

3. C) Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.
We’re pretty sure he used the “hunt and peck” method.

4. B) Conception.
Blame it on Santa.

5. A) TRUE.
Jonesing for a kiss?

6. B) 61,000.
All cramped in those tiny seats, looking for another bag of stale peanuts.

7. C) 1/100 of a second.
Now stop telling everyone “I’ll do it in a jiffy.”

8. A) TRUE
Were you on the construction crew?

9. C) 5 years.
It only seems like 20. Or 30.

10. B) TRUE
We’re not sure if it was before or after he painted the Mona Lisa. All the better to see you, Leonardo.

11. A) TRUE
Various sources differ, with 7% to 13% being the average. Surprising, huh? You lefties are REALLY SPECIAL!

12. A) Over 30.
Of course, we were ALL under 30 at the time. And we still can’t understand Dylan.

13. B) All invented by women.
Very smart women.

14. B) San Francisco’s famous Cable Cars.
Tony Bennett loves them too.

15. B) Snoop in your medicine cabinet.
Although remembering several parties in the past, all may be true.

Remember When Trivia for Seniors Scoring

How did you do in our remember when trivia for seniors?

12 – 15 correct: WOW, You certainly have great long-range memory. Now if you could only find your glasses.

8- 12 correct: Oh well, there is a lot to remember. Too bad you can’t.

0 -8 correct: FUHGEDDABOUDIT. Stop telling all those tales you make up about the good old days. Redeem yourself by declaring to everyone that the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Times have certainly changed since we were children. Do you remember your parents and grandparents recounting stories about life when they were young? Do you share your stories with your children (and grandchildren)?

As a Legacy Videographer I get to hear stories about growing up in the 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s. Below are just a few of the many recollections people have shared. Are any familiar to you?

Remember When…

Remember when the milkman delivered milk in glass bottles to your door? The sound of the bottles clanking together? Removing the wax cap? Fighting over the cream at the top? Leaving the empty bottle outside to be picked up?

Remember when letters were handwritten and you knew the mail carrier by name? The excitement of receiving a two or three page letter from a friend or relative?

Remember when your family bought its first television. When Howdy Doody was popular, T.V. test patterns would signal the end of the show and channels were changed manually? When screens were small and antennas needed to be manually adjusted?

Remember when gas station attendants pumped the gas, cleaned the windshields and checked the oil? When car windows needed to be rolled up or down and seat belts were an afterthought? Climbing over the front seat to sit with a parent or being sent to the back to be with your siblings? Road trips?

Remember when you tended your Victory Garden, collected the foil, newspapers and grease during the war? Buying your groceries with green ration cards?

Remember when babies were pushed in prams? Nursed from glass baby bottles and wore cotton diapers with sharp safety pins?

Remember when ham radios were popular. When children collected stamps, baseball cards and comic books?

Remember when men wore hats and women wore white gloves to go shopping downtown? When street cars were the primary mode of public transportation? When tokens were used to pay for the ride?

Remember when typewriters used ribbon and keys became ‘stuck’? When White-Out became the greatest invention ever!

Remember when phones numbers needed to be dialed. When you could chat with the operator, and there was only one ring ‘tone’? When push buttons were introduced and then cell phones?

Remember when you dressed up for air travel, tickets were bought through ‘agents’, and three course meals were served on trays with metal utensils? When pilots gave out wing pins to children? Before suitcases with wheels were introduced and the first time you went through a body scanner?

Remember when there was no air conditioning and the ice box was filled by the iceman? Sleeping on the porch, fire escape or in the park? Remember when central air became commonplace and refrigerators first dispensed ice and water from their door?

What do you remember? Let us know in the comment section below for others to see!

~ Legacy Videos ~

Give your family the gift of a lifetime by capturing your life story family history and life lessons in a video memoir.

Here at Family Line Video we produce Legacy Videos, modern-day memories that weave a filmed interview together with family photos, documents, maps and other memorabilia. The result is “Moving Portrait” capturing you recounting your their life story and memories – a gift your family will treasure for years to come.

To learn more about capturing your life story in a Legacy Video, visit us at

Family Line Video, LLC
Legacy Video Production
(312) 402-6406

Susan Saunders
Video Biographer

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Do You Remember When Statler Brothers

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