Deos Elemental Dmg Help In Pvp Destiny

There’s a lot going on right now in Destiny 2, as the Solstice of Heroes 2020 event continues to run through August and into September. While the event’s reward pool is small and focused, a lot of the ways to get your new armor upgraded all the way involve a network of smaller tasks, some of which involve unique gameplay mechanics. For example, you’ll be doing a lot of EAZ runs, which utilize an “Elemental Empowerment” system.

Void Damage - This elemental damage type is related to gravity and dark energy. Kinetic Damage - This is the default (physical) damage type of most weapons and does not correspond to an element.

How Does Elemental Empowerment Work in Destiny 2?

During an EAZ run, enemies will drop a resource called Elemental Orbs. Picking up an Elemental Orb will give you a status charge, that provides an elemental buff for approximately 30 seconds. If you pick up another matching orb while you’re still buffed, you’ll get an additional stack to the status charge. Elemental Orbs will drop based on the element you used to kill an enemy when they drop.

Related: Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes Armor Upgrades 2020 Edition

So, that means you’ll either get a Solar Orb, a Void Orb, or an Arc Orb. To fill up the status charge and get the buff, you’ll need to collect 30 Orbs. If you get Arc Empowerment you’ll get a speed, melee, and sword damage buff. Void Empowerment grants crouching invisibility, and TrueSight with a buff to ability regeneration. Finally, Solar Empowerment creates an area of effect around you that deals damage. These are helpful tools for clearing all the different bosses in an EAZ run, but there’s a catch.

  1. If damage bonuses aren't needed, the next best thing is Dragonfly. This perk causes an AoE explosion based on a weapon's elemental damage type when it deals a precision final blow. While not as powerful as Firefly was in Destiny, Dragonfly in Destiny 2 is a great way of dealing with swarms of enemies. A unique Mod called Dragonfly Spec also.
  2. There are three weapon classes in Destiny 2: Kinetic: Does more damage to enemies without a shield but cannot do elemental damage. Energy: Does elemental damage (either Arc, Void, or Solar) and does extra damage to shielded enemies with matching elements.
  3. Elemental damage From Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki Elemental damage is a modifier that exists on certain attacks and weapons. Elemental damage is one of the manifestations of Light and Darkness, and can be used to a player's advantage to make their attacks more effective.
  4. Destiny 2 PVP Meta (as of December 2020) Every sandbox change comes with a new meta. And while we love to criticize Bungie for not changing the meta often enough, the last few seasons have significantly altered the hierarchy of PVP weapon types in Destiny 2.

You can only use one buff, designated by the game and shifted on a daily basis. So depending on what day it is, you’ll probably want to change your loadout to match. Luckily, all you need to do is take a peek at your inventory screen, where the element of the day will be shown. It’s also worth reiterating these buffs are primarily going to be useful in EAZ runs, especially because they are not a factor in Crucible or Gambit gameplay.

Elemental Empowerment is just one of many mechanics you’ll have to engage with, if you want to dive into the Solstice of Heroes 2020 event and get that armor boosted all the way up to earn that Magnificent glow effect. So that being said, how is the event treating you so far? Have there been specific challenges or even roadblocks you’ve run into as the grind goes on? Let us know where you’re standing over on the Prima Games Facebook and Twitter channels!

Does elemental dmg help in pvp destiny armor

Does Elemental Dmg Help In Pvp Destiny Mod

About the author

Does Elemental Dmg Help In Pvp Destiny 2

Lucas plays a lot of video games. Sometimes he enjoys one. His favs include Dragon Quest, SaGa, and Mystery Dungeon. You can find him on Twitter @HokutoNoLucas. Emails concerning the site can go to