6 Landing Page Design Tips For Your Website

Many times landing pages are the first place visitors land on your website. It is a must that you optimize your pages to the highest standards so that your visitors can get what they came for. Let's explore some of the best ways you can optimize these landing pages.

1. Keep it Simple

  • Your landing page should, ideally, have an attention ratio of 1:1. In other words, the only thing that people should be able to do on your landing page is the thing that you want them to do. Every other link, button, or offer is merely a distraction. In reality, most landing pages have 50-100 different things competing for a visitor’s attention.
  • Landing Page Design. The overall aesthetic feel of your landing page design is important when it comes to the efficacy of your landing page. Here are some essential ingredients for making your landing page more user-friendly. Keep the design of your landing page simple with a clean layout. Break the content into bullet points for easy reading.

People have short attention spans. They also don't like to have to think about what the next step is. Make your landing pages short and to the point. You should also avoid wordiness on landing pages, avoiding technical jargon. Ask for what you want and make it easy for visitors to do. Use lots of lists and sub-titles to make it easy to find information.

2. Use Eye Catching Colors

When you design a landing page, keep your forms short and request only essential information. As a marketer, you want to collect as much data as you can. However, when it comes to creating a good landing page design, keep to the principle of less is more. Remember that you can always ask for more information on the thank you page. 6 Landing Page Design Tips to Help Build Your Audience Tim Beyers. Tim is a freelance business writer. He writes about the business of innovation, comics and genre entertainment on The Full Bleed.

You want your CTA to stand out from the rest of the page, yet you don't want to make it look gaudy. The best way to do this is to use a contrasting color for your CTA button. For example, if the majority of your webpage is green and white, use an accenting orange for your CTA button. Think of it as a highlighter for a webpage that will make certain sections stick out.

3. Avoid Clutter

White space is your best friend on a landing page. Keep blocks of text short and use bullet points to make scanning easy. Scrutinize any words or visuals to check whether they are necessary or not. Only include the necessities to make your offer appealing and get rid of everything else.

4. Add Social Proof

People like to know what others think of your offer. If possible, include testimonials from others who have used your product or service. They can be short and to the point, rather than long-winded ones that visitors won't read all the way. People are more apt to try something that they feel others have already tried and like.

5. Create a Power Title

Your title is one of your biggest draws to getting a visitor to continue reading. Use power words such as 'amazing' and 'mind-blowing.' You can also draw people in by making them feel they are getting elite information. Regardless, make the headline honest. The info you promise must be on the page and easy to find, or you will lose the confidence of visitors.

6 Landing Page Design Tips For Your Website Template

6. Avoid Scrolling

If you make a user scroll through a bunch of text before getting to the point, they will go somewhere else. Whenever possible, keep the valuable information above the fold, and easy to find. If the landing page helps users find what they need, they are more likely explore other pages on your site.

7. Cut Links

Including too many links on your page will become distracting to visitors. Make sure every link is necessary and opens in another tab, so you don't lose the visitor. If possible, the only links on a landing page should be your CTA and your Home Page and contact links.

8. Customize To Your Audience


Users who found your landing page on Facebook are different than those who Googled the page. You will need to do some analytics work to see who your audience is. Understanding the type of person who will read each page helps you design it to meet each of their needs. Once you do that, when creating the content, think of the personality of your average visitor. The more specific your target audience is, the better because you can hone in on each landing page.

9. Don't Oversell

People can tell when you are over-promising. They want to feel like they have decided to act on their own, without undue pressure. Don't mention how fabulous your service is and why they should buy it, talk more about what you can do for them. Make them want to act, not feel like they have to. And, make sure you provide what you promise, and even add a bit more. A kept promise will build trust and keep them coming back.

Final Thoughts

The most successful landing pages not only draw visitors in but also entice them to act. It needs to create excitement, trust and a sense of urgency that makes a visitor act now. Incorporating the above elements into your landing pages will help you meet that end.

6 Landing Page Design Tips For Your Website Templates

When we talk about the good design of a landing page, we do not only refer to doing something beautiful and aesthetically attractive, but also to make effective sites; we can do that with the user experience.

But what is the user experience? This is the set of factors related to the user’s interaction with a product whose result is the positive or negative perception of that service, product or device.

And how can we get a positive user experience? With a good usability, that is, facilitating the user to use the tool to achieve a specific goal.

We give you 6 tips that will help your users to have a satisfactory user experience when they visit your landing, sign them up! 😉

Simple design: less is more

The design should be simple and simple

Use neutral colors as a base

Reserve striking colors for elements to highlight: text or buttons

Little text: clear and orderly information

The message you must convey must be short and direct

Structure the information with bullets and lists so that the reading is optimal

6 Landing Page Design Tips For Your Website Examples

Short forms: only the necessary fields

Limit the information you ask the user

The more fields there are to fill smaller is the probability that the user does

Intuitive buttons: CTA with clear messages

This button is key, since the user must click on it to perform the conversion

You must stand out from the rest of the elements by means of color and design

Your text should describe the action to be taken, this will generate confidence for the user

Avoid external links: NO to vanishing points

Vanishing points can mislead the user and therefore the landing page may not meet its objective

We must eliminate any link that causes the user to leave our site

Attractive images: synonym of professionalism and quality

6 landing page design tips for your website examples

The image is the first thing that users see when they visit your landing page

They are a marketing tool: they enrich the content of the site

They help to make browsing on the site more attractive and enjoyable

6 Landing Page Design Tips For Your Website Free

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